Modeling Resumes
How to Prepare (Or Not Prepare) A Modeling Resume
New models often struggle to create a modeling resume particularly if they haven’t yet booked any modeling jobs, and we are often asked by new models how they should write and prepare their modeling resume.
Having worked as a modeling agent for over 35 years I am very familiar with modeling resumes – or the lack thereof. However, I decided to do a little research to see what others were saying about modeling resumes and what sort of advice they were giving to new models.

Digital Composite Card on
To my surprise there were numerous web sites showing examples of how to set up and write modeling resumes. The sites went into great detail about what information a model should put on his or her resume and some were even selling templates that models could purchase and just fill in their own information. Really?
You see here’s the thing – there is no such thing as a modeling resume and you don’t need one – EVER!
I think I actually heard a collective sigh of relief!
In all the years I have worked in the modeling industry I have never asked a model for their modeling resume, I have never prepared one for my models, and have never been asked by any of the hundreds of modeling agencies I work with everyday to provide them with a modeling resume of one of my models.
Rather than using modeling resumes, models use their photos, which are presented in either a model portfolio (a book) or a modeling composite card, to show potential agents and clients their work. The photos can be actual work the model has done – we call these “tearsheets”, or they can be photos that the model has taken by a photographer on her own behalf – we call these “tests”. Even if you don’t have a professional modeling portfolio, snapshots are acceptable to show to the agents and scouts.
The only time a model may need a resume is if he or she is also an actor. Actors do use and submit resumes to agents, casting directors and clients when applying for jobs. Having said that, it is not customary for models who are represented by modeling agencies to use a resume even if they are applying for an acting job when their primary status is model.
So, don’t stress about modeling resumes – agents and clients don’t want them and models don’t need them.
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